Building a Home? Here’s What To Look for in a QA Specialist.

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Defects are a natural part of the construction process, especially if you use lower quality materials or unstandardized processes.

Luckily, a proper QA specialist can catch building and material defects before they manifest into greater damage and ensure that all building projects are up to standards and municipal code. 

While more overhead is the last thing any business needs, QA/QC specialists can actually save construction managers lots of money in the long run by avoiding expensive repairs. 

For this reason, finding the right QA specialist can help you avoid common construction mistakes and improve your reputation as a builder. 

We’ve prepared a brief guide to show you what to look for in a QA specialist and how they can benefit your construction business. 

What Is Quality Assurance in Construction?

Quality Assurance in construction ensures that all building projects are built to the highest standards and for the best possible fit and finish. QA is ultimately a hierarchy of standards and procedures designed to deliver the highest quality building project. 

For this reason, a QA specialist will typically have a documented list of processes, inspections, and building standards to guide building projects toward the best possible end result.

Construction companies can either employ their own QA manager or work with a third-party QA specialist. 

While most QA processes are completed in the planning stage, a QA specialist may also provide QC services. In this case, a QA specialist will guide you throughout the entire process, from planning to finish to ensuring that buildings achieve the best possible finish. 

To learn more about the role of a QA specialist, it’s important to distinguish the roles between a QA and QC in construction. 

QA/QC in Construction 

Quality control vs. quality assurance is really the same function, just at different points of the process. 

Quality assurance specialists consult builders during the planning process on standards and procedures builders should follow to complete projects to the highest standard. 

On the other hand, quality control specialists ensure that buildings actually conform to these standards. 

However, QA and QC both relate to the process of quality management during construction, ensuring builders provide their customers with the best-finished product. For this reason, many QA specialists also offer QC services. 

With that in mind, it’s important to explore the additional benefits of QA or quality management in construction before deciding if you need one. 

The Importance of Quality Assurance in Construction

  • Consults builders on QA standards that result in the best finished product. 
  • Provides inspections to identify issues during the construction process that increase costs down the road.
  • Guides builders on local codes and federal requirements.
  • Provides builders with a plan to complete projects on time and within budget. 
  • Advises builders on cost-effective building materials and processes that save companies money and ensure top quality. 
  • Offers additional advice, such as energy-efficient construction to save property owners money. 
  • Improves your reputation as a builder. 

What to Look for In Quality Assurance in Construction

Formal Credentials, Training, and Experience

Finding a QA specialist with proper credentials and licensing, especially in states that require contractor licensing, is important to ensure quality.

However, since most states don’t require proper licensing to become a QA specialist, it’s important to find a QA specialist with sufficient experience in engineering and environmental planning. 

Additionally, interviewing a QA specialist to get an overview of their experience and expertise will help you find a qualified candidate for your business. 

Standardized Processes

Next, you’ll want to discuss any documented processes and procedures with a QA specialist to find out how they can help your business. Ideally, a QA specialist should have a punch list of various inspections, QC protocols, and other documentation that outlines their process and clearly explains how it assists your business. 

Some of these processes should include:

  • Standardized inspections conducted at specific time intervals, such as planning, construction, and closeout
  • Specific QA standards, such as home energy efficiency or minimum sound insulation
  • Recommended building materials and processes
  • Additional consultation on concerns, such as warranties and environmental impact
  • Plans to comply with local building codes and federal law

Written Field Inspections

Furthermore, you’ll want to glance at any documented field inspection requirements to understand what services your QA specialist is offering. For example, your QA specialist should furnish you with a set of tasks detailing various inspection requirements, areas being analyzed, and QA standards employed to ensure buildings comply with those standards. 

In addition, different inspection procedures should be employed at different parts of the construction process. Some QA specialists may even work with a third-party inspector to ensure proper quality. 

Planned Control Measures

Finally, your QA specialist must present you with a plan of action for buildings that lack sufficient QA/QC standards. Ideally, working with a QA specialist early in the construction process should help you avoid these issues. 

Still, it pays to have a plan of attack if certain defects pop up during the construction process and warrant attention.

Additionally, your QA or QC specialist should guide you on the most efficient and cost-effective way to address these issues as they occur. 

Finding a proper QA specialist is vital in navigating construction projects to the best possible conclusion. QA specialists can save you time and money on projects while delivering your clients the best possible finished project. 

At Path Light Pro, we offer Quality Assurance services, environmental planning, stormwater management, and everything you need to plan and complete a construction process successfully. Call us using the number above and speak to a representative today!