What Role Does an Environmental Consultant Play in Construction?

Red tape in the construction industry is unavoidable. Whether it’s applying for a loan, permitting rights, rezoning, or even rebates and tax credits, an environmental assessment of some kind will probably be required.…

7 ENERGY STAR Requirements for New Homes to Become Certified

The ENERGY STAR brand sets the standard for energy efficiency across several industries in the country.…

What Are MS4s in Stormwater Management? Ultimate Guide

There are multiple discharge points for stormwater runoff across any geographic area, each of which has its own meticulous rules and regulations.…

5 Steps to Improve Quality Assurance in Construction

Establishing new rules seems counterproductive to any business venture and may be viewed as “red tape.”…

The Construction Manager’s Guide to SWPPP Inspections

Drafting a stormwater management plan requires tons of planning and investment, but many construction managers are shocked to learn how big of a commitment it really is. 

SWPPP vs. SWQMP: Meeting Different Regulations

In order to meet the standards set forth by the Clean Water Act, states, municipalities, and commercial businesses have had to adopt strategic controls to reduce the amount of pollution generated from wastewater.…

RESNET/ACCA Standard 310: What Businesses Need to Know

The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) was established in the 1990s by the energy-efficiency non-profit RESNET to help builders create energy-efficient homes.…

Using ENERGY STAR 3.1 to Obtain the 45L Builder Tax Credit

The 45L Builder Tax Credit is a federal tax incentive designed to promote the construction of energy-efficient homes.…

The Stormwater Inspection Checklist: Essentials for Compliance

Frequent stormwater inspections are critical to the federal and local compliance of your SWPPP

15 Stormwater Best Management Practices for Construction Sites

Developing a stormwater management plan is federally required to obtain an NPDES permit for water discharge at a construction site.